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Melange attributes and extension nodes


These attributes are used to annotate external definitions:

  • mel.get: read JavaScript object properties statically by name, using the dot notation .
  • mel.get_index: read a JavaScript object’s properties dynamically by using the bracket notation []
  • mel.module: bind to a value from a JavaScript module
  • bind to a JavaScript class constructor
  • mel.obj: create a JavaScript object
  • mel.return: automate conversion from nullable values to Option.t values
  • mel.send: call a JavaScript object method
  • mel.set: set JavaScript object properties statically by name, using the dot notation .
  • mel.set_index: set JavaScript object properties dynamically by using the bracket notation []
  • mel.scope: reach to deeper properties inside a JavaScript object
  • mel.splice: a deprecated attribute, is an alternate form of mel.variadic
  • mel.variadic: bind to a function taking variadic arguments from an array

These attributes are used to annotate arguments in external definitions:

  • u: define function arguments as uncurried (manual)
  • compile function argument to an int
  • mel.string: compile function argument to a string
  • mel.this: bind to this based callbacks
  • mel.uncurry: define function arguments as uncurried (automated)
  • mel.unwrap: unwrap variant values

These attributes are used in places like records, fields, arguments, functions, and more:

Extension nodes

In order to use any of these extension nodes, you will have to add the melange PPX preprocessor to your project. To do so, add the following to the dune file:

 (name lib)
 (modes melange)
   (pps melange.ppx)))

The same field preprocess can be added to melange.emit.

Here is the list of all the extension nodes supported by Melange:

Generate raw JavaScript

It is possible to directly write JavaScript code from a Melange file. This is unsafe, but it can be useful for prototyping or as an escape hatch.

To do it, we will use the mel.rawextension:

let add: int -> int -> int = [%mel.raw {|
  function(a, b) {
    console.log("hello from raw JavaScript!");
    return a + b;

let () = Js.log (add 1 2)
let add: (int, int) => int = (
  function(a, b) {
    console.log("hello from raw JavaScript!");
    return a + b;
    (int, int) => int

let () = Js.log(add(1, 2));

The {||} strings are called "quoted strings". They are similar to JavaScript’s template literals, in the sense that they are multi-line, and there is no need to escape characters inside the string.

Using one percentage signthe extension name between square brackets ([%mel.raw <string>]) is useful to define expressions (function bodies, or other values) where the implementation is directly JavaScript. This is useful as we can attach the type signature already in the same line, to make our code safer. For example:

let f : unit -> int = [%mel.raw "function() {return 1}"]
let f: unit => int = ([%mel.raw "function() {return 1}"]: unit => int);

Using two percentage signs ([%%mel.raw "xxx"])the extension name without square brackets (%mel.raw "xxx") is reserved for definitions in a structure or signature.

For example:

[%%mel.raw "var a = 1"]
[%%mel.raw "var a = 1"];


Melange allows you to inject a debugger; expression using the mel.debugger extension:

let f x y =
  x + y
let f = (x, y) => {
  x + y;


function f (x,y) {
  debugger; // JavaScript developer tools will set a breakpoint and stop here
  return x + y | 0;

Detect global variables

Melange provides a relatively type safe approach to use globals that might be defined either in the JavaScript runtime environment: mel.external.

[%mel.external id] will check if the JavaScript value id is undefined or not, and return an Option.t value accordingly.

For example:

let () = match [%mel.external __DEV__] with
| Some _ -> Js.log "dev mode"
| None -> Js.log "production mode"
let () =
  switch ([%mel.external __DEV__]) {
  | Some(_) => Js.log("dev mode")
  | None => Js.log("production mode")

Another example:

let () = match [%mel.external __filename] with
| Some f -> Js.log f
| None -> Js.log "non-node environment"
let () =
  switch ([%mel.external __filename]) {
  | Some(f) => Js.log(f)
  | None => Js.log("non-node environment")

[%mel.external id] makes id available as a value of type 'a Option.tOption.t('a), meaning its wrapped value is compatible with any type. If you use the value, it is recommended to annotate it into a known type first to avoid runtime issues.

Inlining constant values

Some JavaScript idioms require special constants to be inlined since they serve as de-facto directives for bundlers. A common example is process.env.NODE_ENV:

if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
  // Development-only code


if ("development" !== "production") {
  // Development-only code

In this case, bundlers such as Webpack can tell that the if statement always evaluates to a specific branch and eliminate the others.

Melange provides the mel.inline attribute to achieve the same goal in generated JavaScript. Let’s look at an example:

external node_env : string = "NODE_ENV" [@@mel.scope "process", "env"]

let development = "development"
let () = if node_env <> development then Js.log "Only in Production"

let development_inline = "development" [@@mel.inline]
let () = if node_env <> development_inline then Js.log "Only in Production"
[@mel.scope ("process", "env")] external node_env: string = "NODE_ENV";

let development = "development";
let () =
  if (node_env != development) {
    Js.log("Only in Production");

let development_inline = "development";
let () =
  if (node_env != development_inline) {
    Js.log("Only in Production");

As we can see in the generated JavaScript presented below:

  • the development variable is emitted
    • it gets used as a variable process.env.NODE_ENV !== development in the if statement
  • the development_inline variable isn’t present in the final output
    • its value is inlined in the if statement: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "development"
var development = "development";

if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== development) {
  console.log("Only in Production");

if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "development") {
  console.log("Only in Production");