Supported syntaxes
Melange supports two syntaxes: OCaml syntax (the default) and Reason syntax. You can toggle between them by using the "Syntax" widget in the top left corner of this page. Try clicking on it now to see the two different versions of the following code snippet:
module Speech = struct
type utterance
external makeUtterance : string -> utterance = "SpeechSynthesisUtterance"
external speak : utterance -> unit = "speechSynthesis.speak"
module App = struct
let style =
ReactDOM.Style.make ~fontSize:"1em" ~border:"1px solid white"
~borderRadius:"0.5em" ~padding:"1em" ()
let make () =
(button ~style
~onClick:(fun _ ->
"Hello ReasonReact" |> Speech.makeUtterance |> Speech.speak)
~children:[ React.string "Say hello" ]
() [@JSX])
let () =
match ReactDOM.querySelector "#preview" with
| None -> Js.log "Failed to start React: couldn't find the #preview element"
| Some root ->
let root = ReactDOM.Client.createRoot root in
ReactDOM.Client.render root (App.createElement ~children:[] () [@JSX])
module Speech = {
type utterance;
external makeUtterance: string => utterance = "SpeechSynthesisUtterance";
external speak: utterance => unit = "speechSynthesis.speak";
module App = {
let style =
~border="1px solid white",
let make = () =>
onClick={_ =>
"Hello ReasonReact" |> Speech.makeUtterance |> Speech.speak
{React.string("Say hello")}
let () =
switch (ReactDOM.querySelector("#preview")) {
| None =>
Js.log("Failed to start React: couldn't find the #preview element")
| Some(root) =>
let root = ReactDOM.Client.createRoot(root);
ReactDOM.Client.render(root, <App />);
As you can see, Reason syntax resembles JavaScript and supports JSX, so it is more approachable to JavaScript and TypeScript developers.
Reason syntax
To install Reason syntax support add reason
to the depends
section of the <project-name>.opam
file in your project's root directory:
depends: [
"reason" {>= "3.10.0"}
"dune" {>= "3.9"}
"melange" {>= "2.0.0"}
"reason-react" {>= "0.13.0"}
"opam-check-npm-deps" {with-dev-setup}
"ocaml-lsp-server" {with-dev-setup}
"dot-merlin-reader" {with-setup}
"odoc" {with-doc}
On the command line, run[1]
opam install -y . --deps-only
Note that Reason support is already set up for you in melange-opam-template.
OCaml syntax
OCaml syntax is supported by default, but to get formatting support, you should add ocamlformat
to the depends
section of the <project-name>.opam
file in your project's root directory:
depends: [
"dune" {>= "3.9"}
"melange" {>= "2.0.0"}
"reason-react" {>= "0.13.0"}
"ocamlformat" {with-dev-setup}
"opam-check-npm-deps" {with-dev-setup}
"ocaml-lsp-server" {with-dev-setup}
"dot-merlin-reader" {with-setup}
"odoc" {with-doc}
On the command line, run[2]
opam install -y . --deps-only --with-dev-setup
VS Code configuration
First, make sure you've already installed and configured OCaml Platform VS Code extension.
Reason syntax
To enable format-on-save in VS Code, open your User Settings JSON file and add this snippet:
json"[reason]": { "editor.formatOnSave": true },
To control how the Reason formatter breaks up long lines, you can also add this snippet:
json"ocaml.server.extraEnv": { "REFMT_PRINT_WIDTH": "120" },
In the snippet above, the print width is set to 120 characters, but you can use any number you prefer. If you don't set this, the default is 80.
OCaml syntax
to your project's root directory. If you want to change the print width, add this to the file:inim=120
In the snippet above, the print width is set to 120 characters, but you can use any number you prefer. If you don't set this, the default is 80.
To enable format-on-save in VS Code, open your User Settings JSON file and add this snippet:
json"[ocaml]": { "editor.formatOnSave": true },
Other editors
For Reason syntax, check out Editor Plugins page from Reason documentation.
For OCaml syntax, check out the Editor Setup page from OCamlverse.
You can run this command to check the format of all your OCaml source files:
dune build @fmt
If Reason syntax support is installed, it will automatically check the format of all Reason sources files (.re
and .rei
To automatically fix the formatting, run this:
dune build @fmt --auto-promote