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Working with JavaScript objects and values

Bind to JavaScript objects

JavaScript objects are used in a variety of use cases:

  • As a fixed shape record.
  • As a map or dictionary.
  • As a class.
  • As a module to import/export.

Melange separates the binding methods for JavaScript objects based on these four use cases. This section documents the first three. Binding to JavaScript module objects is described in the "Using functions from other JavaScript modules" section.

Objects with static shape (record-like)

Using OCaml records

If your JavaScript object has fixed fields, then it’s conceptually like an OCaml record. Since Melange compiles records into JavaScript objects, the most common way to bind to JavaScript objects is using records.

type person = {
  name : string;
  friends : string array;
  age : int;

external john : person = "john" [@@mel.module "MySchool"]
let john_name =
type person = {
  name: string,
  friends: array(string),
  age: int,

[@mel.module "MySchool"] external john: person = "john";
let john_name =;

This is the generated JavaScript:

import * as MySchool from "MySchool";

const john_name =;

External functions are documented in a previous section. The mel.module attribute is documented here.

If you want or need to use different field names on the Melange and the JavaScript sides, you can use the decorator:

type action = {
  type_ : string [ "type"]

let action = { type_ = "ADD_USER" }
type action = {
  [ "type"]
  type_: string,

let action = {type_: "ADD_USER"};

Which generates the JavaScript code:

const action = {
  type: "ADD_USER"

This is useful to map to JavaScript attribute names that cannot be expressed in Melange, for example, where the JavaScript name we want to generate is a reserved keyword in OCaml.

It is also possible to map a Melange record to a JavaScript array by passing indices to the decorator:

type t = {
  foo : int; [ "0"]
  bar : string; [ "1"]

let value = { foo = 7; bar = "baz" }
type t = {
  [ "0"]
  foo: int,
  [ "1"]
  bar: string,

let value = {
  foo: 7,
  bar: "baz",

And its JavaScript generated code:

const value = [

Using Js.t objects

Alternatively to records, Melange offers another type that can be used to produce JavaScript objects. This type is 'a Js.tJs.t('a), where 'a is an OCaml object.

The advantage of objects versus records is that no type declaration is needed in advance, which can be helpful for prototyping or quickly generating JavaScript object literals.

Melange provides some ways to create Js.t object values, as well as accessing the properties inside them.

  • To create values, use the [%mel.obj] extension enclosing a record{ "key1": value1, "key2": value2, ... } syntax (note that the names of keys must be surrounded by double quotes)
  • To access object properties, use the ## infix operator.
let john = [%mel.obj { name = "john"; age = 99 }]
let t = john##name
let john = {
  "name": "john",
  "age": 99,
let t = john##name;

Which generates:

const john = {
  name: "john",
  age: 99

const t =;

Note that object types allow for some flexibility that record types do not have. For example, an object type can be coerced to another with fewer values or methods, while it is impossible to coerce a record type to another one with fewer fields. So different object types that share some methods can be mixed in a data structure where only their common methods are visible.

To give an example, one can create a function that operates on all the object types that include a field name that is of type string, e.g.:

let name_extended obj = obj##name ^ " wayne"

let one = name_extended [%mel.obj { name = "john"; age = 99 }]
let two = name_extended [%mel.obj { name = "jane"; address = "1 infinite loop" }]
let name_extended = obj => obj##name ++ " wayne";

let one =
    "name": "john",
    "age": 99,
let two =
    "name": "jane",
    "address": "1 infinite loop",

To read more about objects and polymorphism we recommend checking the OCaml docs or the OCaml manual.

Using external functions

We have already explored one approach for creating JavaScript object literals by using Js.t values and the mel.obj extension.

Melange additionally offers the mel.obj attribute, which can be used in combination with external functions to create JavaScript objects. When these functions are called, they generate objects with fields corresponding to the labeled arguments of the function.

If any of these labeled arguments are defined as optional and omitted during function application, the resulting JavaScript object will exclude the corresponding fields. This allows to create runtime objects and control whether optional keys are emitted at runtime.

For example, assuming we need to bind to a JavaScript object like this:

let place = {
  name: "Boring, Oregon"
  type: "city",
  greeting: () => console.log("Howdy"),
  // attractions: ...

The first three fields are required and the attractions field is optional. You can declare a binding function like this:

external makePlace :
  name:string ->
  _type:string ->
  greeting:(unit -> unit) ->
  ?attractions:string array ->
  unit ->
  _ = ""
external makePlace:
    ~name: string,
    ~_type: string,
    ~greeting: unit => unit,
    ~attractions: array(string)=?,
  ) =>

Since there is an optional argument attractions, an additional unlabeled argument of type unit is included after it. It allows to omit the optional argument on function application. More information about labeled optional arguments can be found in the OCaml manual.

The return type of the function should be left unspecified using the wildcard type _. Melange will automatically infer the type of the resulting JavaScript object.

In the makePlace function, the _type argument starts with an underscore. When binding to JavaScript objects with fields that are reserved keywords in OCaml, Melange allows the use of an underscore prefix for the labeled arguments. The resulting JavaScript object will have the underscore removed from the field names. This is only required for the mel.obj attribute, while for other cases, the attribute can be used to rename fields.

If we call the function like this:

let place1 =
  makePlace ~name:"Boring, Oregon" ~_type:"city"
    ~greeting:(fun () -> Js.log "Howdy")

let place2 =
  makePlace ~name:"Singapore" ~_type:"city state"
    ~greeting:(fun () -> Js.log "Hello lah")
    ~attractions:[| "Buddha Tooth"; "Baba House"; "Night Safari" |]
let place1 =
    ~name="Boring, Oregon",
    ~greeting=() => Js.log("Howdy"),

let place2 =
    ~_type="city state",
    ~greeting=() => Js.log("Hello lah"),
    ~attractions=[|"Buddha Tooth", "Baba House", "Night Safari"|],

We get the following JavaScript:

const place1 = {
  name: "Boring",
  type: "city",
  greeting: (function (param) {

const place2 = {
  name: "Singapore",
  type: "city state",
  greeting: (function (param) {
      console.log("Hello lah");
  attractions: [
    "Buddha Tooth",
    "Baba House",
    "Night Safari"

Not that place1 object doesn't include the attractions field since its argument wasn’t present.

Bind to object properties

If you need to bind only to the property of a JavaScript object, you can use mel.get and mel.set to access it using the dot notation .:

(* Abstract type for the `document` value *)
type document

external document : document = "document"

external set_title : document -> string -> unit = "title" [@@mel.set]
external get_title : document -> string = "title" [@@mel.get]

let current = get_title document
let () = set_title document "melange"
/* Abstract type for the `document` value */
type document;

external document: document = "document";

[@mel.set] external set_title: (document, string) => unit = "title";
[@mel.get] external get_title: document => string = "title";

let current = get_title(document);
let () = set_title(document, "melange");

This generates:

const current = document.title;
document.title = "melange";

Alternatively, if some dynamism is required on the way the property is accessed, you can use mel.get_index and mel.set_index to access it using the bracket notation []:

type t
external create : int -> t = "Int32Array" []
external get : t -> int -> int = "" [@@mel.get_index]
external set : t -> int -> int -> unit = "" [@@mel.set_index]

let () =
  let i32arr = (create 3) in
  set i32arr 0 42;
  Js.log (get i32arr 0)
type t;
[] external create: int => t = "Int32Array";
[@mel.get_index] external get: (t, int) => int;
[@mel.set_index] external set: (t, int, int) => unit;

let () = {
  let i32arr = create(3);
  set(i32arr, 0, 42);
  Js.log(get(i32arr, 0));

Which generates:

const i32arr = new Int32Array(3);
i32arr[0] = 42;

Objects with dynamic shape (dictionary-like)

Sometimes JavaScript objects are used as dictionaries. In these cases:

  • All values stored in the object belong to the same type
  • Key-value pairs can be added or removed at runtime

For this particular use case of JavaScript objects, Melange exposes a specific type Js.Dict.t. The values and functions to work with values of this type are defined in the Js.Dict moduleJs.Dict module, with operations like get, set, etc.

Values of the type Js.Dict.t compile to JavaScript objects.

JavaScript classes

JavaScript classes are special kinds of objects. To interact with classes, Melange exposes to emulate e.g. new Date():

type t
external create_date : unit -> t = "Date" []
let date = create_date ()
type t;
[] external create_date: unit => t = "Date";
let date = create_date();

Which generates:

const date = new Date();

You can chain and mel.module if the JavaScript class you want to work with is in a separate JavaScript module:

type t
external book : unit -> t = "Book" [] [@@mel.module]
let myBook = book ()
type t;
[] [@mel.module] external book: unit => t = "Book";
let myBook = book();

Which generates:

import * as Book from "Book";
const myBook = new Book();

Bind to JavaScript functions or values

Using global functions or values

Binding to a JavaScript function available globally makes use of external, like with objects. But unlike objects, there is no need to add any attributes:

(* Abstract type for `timeoutId` *)
type timeoutId
external setTimeout : (unit -> unit) -> int -> timeoutId = "setTimeout"
external clearTimeout : timeoutId -> unit = "clearTimeout"

let id = setTimeout (fun () -> Js.log "hello") 100
let () = clearTimeout id
/* Abstract type for `timeoutId` */
type timeoutId;
external setTimeout: (unit => unit, int) => timeoutId = "setTimeout";
external clearTimeout: timeoutId => unit = "clearTimeout";

let id = setTimeout(() => Js.log("hello"), 100);
let () = clearTimeout(id);

NOTE: The bindings to setTimeout and clearTimeout are shown here for learning purposes, but they are already available in the Js.Global moduleJs.Global module.


const id = setTimeout((function (param) {
}), 100);


Global bindings can also be applied to values:

(* Abstract type for `document` *)
type document

external document : document = "document"
let doc = document
/* Abstract type for `document` */
type document;

external document: document = "document";
let doc = document;

Which generates:

const doc = document;

Using functions from other JavaScript modules

mel.module allows to bind to values that belong to another JavaScript module. It accepts a string with the name of the module, or the relative path to it.

external dirname : string -> string = "dirname" [@@mel.module "path"]
let root = dirname "/User/github"
[@mel.module "path"] external dirname: string => string = "dirname";
let root = dirname("/User/github");


import * as Path from "path";
const root = Path.dirname("/User/github");

Binding to properties inside a module or global

For cases when we need to create bindings for a property within a module or a global JavaScript object, Melange provides the mel.scope attribute.

For example, if we want to write some bindings for a specific property commands from the vscode package, we can do:

type param
external executeCommands : string -> param array -> unit = "executeCommands"
  [@@mel.scope "commands"] [@@mel.module "vscode"] [@@mel.variadic]

let f a b c = executeCommands "hi" [| a; b; c |]
type param;
[@mel.scope "commands"] [@mel.module "vscode"] [@mel.variadic]
external executeCommands: (string, array(param)) => unit = "executeCommands";

let f = (a, b, c) => executeCommands("hi", [|a, b, c|]);

Which compiles to:

import * as Vscode from "vscode";

function f(a, b, c) {
  Vscode.commands.executeCommands("hi", a, b, c);

The mel.scope attribute can take multiple arguments as payload, in case we want to reach deeper into the object from the module we are importing.

For example:

type t

external back : t = "back"
  [@@mel.module "expo-camera"] [@@mel.scope "Camera", "Constants", "Type"]

let camera_type_back = back
type t;

[@mel.module "expo-camera"] [@mel.scope ("Camera", "Constants", "Type")]
external back: t = "back";

let camera_type_back = back;

Which generates:

import * as ExpoCamera from "expo-camera";

const camera_type_back = ExpoCamera.Camera.Constants.Type.back;

It can be used without mel.module to create scoped bindings to global values:

external imul : int -> int -> int = "imul" [@@mel.scope "Math"]

let res = imul 1 2
[@mel.scope "Math"] external imul: (int, int) => int = "imul";

let res = imul(1, 2);

Which produces:

const res = Math.imul(1, 2);

Or it can be used together with

type t

external create : unit -> t = "GUI"
  [] [@@mel.scope "default"] [@@mel.module "dat.gui"]

let gui = create ()
type t;

[] [@mel.scope "default"] [@mel.module "dat.gui"]
external create: unit => t = "GUI";

let gui = create();

Which generates:

import * as DatGui from "dat.gui";

const gui = new (DatGui.default.GUI)();

Labeled arguments

OCaml has labeled arguments, which can also be optional, and work with external as well.

Labeled arguments can be useful to provide more information about the arguments of a JavaScript function that is called from Melange.

Let’s say we have the following JavaScript function, that we want to call from Melange:

// MyGame.js

function draw(x, y, border) {
  // let’s assume `border` is optional and defaults to false
draw(10, 20)
draw(20, 20, true)

When writing Melange bindings, we can add labeled arguments to make things more clear:

external draw : x:int -> y:int -> ?border:bool -> unit -> unit = "draw"
  [@@mel.module "MyGame"]

let () = draw ~x:10 ~y:20 ~border:true ()
let () = draw ~x:10 ~y:20 ()
[@mel.module "MyGame"]
external draw: (~x: int, ~y: int, ~border: bool=?, unit) => unit = "draw";

let () = draw(~x=10, ~y=20, ~border=true, ());
let () = draw(~x=10, ~y=20, ());


import * as MyGame from "MyGame";

MyGame.draw(10, 20, true);
MyGame.draw(10, 20, undefined);

The generated JavaScript function is the same, but now the usage in Melange is much clearer.

Note: in this particular case, a final param of type unit, () must be added after border, since border is an optional argument at the last position. Not having the last param unit would lead to a warning, which is explained in detail in the OCaml documentation.

Note that you can freely reorder the labeled arguments when applying the function on the Melange side. The generated code will maintain the original order that was used when declaring the function:

external draw : x:int -> y:int -> ?border:bool -> unit -> unit = "draw"
  [@@mel.module "MyGame"]
let () = draw ~x:10 ~y:20 ()
let () = draw ~y:20 ~x:10 ()
[@mel.module "MyGame"]
external draw: (~x: int, ~y: int, ~border: bool=?, unit) => unit = "draw";
let () = draw(~x=10, ~y=20, ());
let () = draw(~y=20, ~x=10, ());


import * as MyGame from "MyGame";

MyGame.draw(10, 20, undefined);
MyGame.draw(10, 20, undefined);

Calling an object method

If we need to call a JavaScript method, Melange provides the attribute mel.send.

In the following snippets, we will be referring to a type Dom.element, which is provided within the library melange.dom. You can add it to your project by including (libraries melange.dom) to your dune file:

(* Abstract type for the `document` global *)
type document

external document : document = "document"
external get_by_id : document -> string -> Dom.element = "getElementById"

let el = get_by_id document "my-id"
/* Abstract type for the `document` global */
type document;

external document: document = "document";
external get_by_id: (document, string) => Dom.element = "getElementById";

let el = get_by_id(document, "my-id");


const el = document.getElementById("my-id");

When using mel.send, the first argument will be the object that holds the property with the function we want to call. This combines well with the pipe first operator |.->, see the "Chaining" section below.

If we want to design our bindings to be used with OCaml pipe last operator |>, we can use mel.this on the argument that we want to be treated as "self". Let’s rewrite the example above using it:

(* Abstract type for the `document` global *)
type document

external document : document = "document"
external get_by_id : string -> (document [@mel.this]) -> Dom.element = "getElementById"

let el = get_by_id "my-id" document
/* Abstract type for the `document` global */
type document;

external document: document = "document";
external get_by_id: (string, [@mel.this] document) => Dom.element =

let el = get_by_id("my-id", document);

The generated code looks the same:

const el = document.getElementById("my-id");


It is common to find this kind of API in JavaScript: foo().bar().baz(). This kind of API can be designed with Melange externals. Depending on which convention we want to use, there are two attributes available:

  • For a data-first convention, the mel.send attribute, in combination with the pipe first operator |.->
  • For a data-last convention, the mel.send attribute and a mel.this annotation on the "self" argument, in combination with OCaml pipe last operator |>.

Let’s see first an example of chaining using data-first convention with the pipe first operator |.->:

(* Abstract type for the `document` global *)
type document

external document : document = "document"
external get_by_id : document -> string -> Dom.element = "getElementById"
external get_by_classname : Dom.element -> string -> Dom.element
  = "getElementsByClassName"

let el = document |. get_by_id "my-id" |. get_by_classname "my-class"
/* Abstract type for the `document` global */
type document;

external document: document = "document";
external get_by_id: (document, string) => Dom.element = "getElementById";
external get_by_classname: (Dom.element, string) => Dom.element =

let el = document->(get_by_id("my-id"))->(get_by_classname("my-class"));

Will generate:

const el = document.getElementById("my-id").getElementsByClassName("my-class");

Now with pipe last operator |>:

(* Abstract type for the `document` global *)
type document

external document : document = "document"
external get_by_id : string -> (document [@mel.this]) -> Dom.element = "getElementById"
external get_by_classname : string -> (Dom.element [@mel.this]) -> Dom.element = "getElementsByClassName"

let el = document |> get_by_id "my-id" |> get_by_classname "my-class"
/* Abstract type for the `document` global */
type document;

external document: document = "document";
external get_by_id: (string, [@mel.this] document) => Dom.element =
external get_by_classname: (string, [@mel.this] Dom.element) => Dom.element =

let el = document |> get_by_id("my-id") |> get_by_classname("my-class");

Will generate the same JavaScript as the pipe first version:

const el = document.getElementById("my-id").getElementsByClassName("my-class");

Variadic function arguments

Sometimes JavaScript functions take an arbitrary amount of arguments. For these cases, Melange provides the mel.variadic attribute, which can be attached to the external declaration. However, there is one caveat: all the variadic arguments need to belong to the same type.

external join : string array -> string = "join"
  [@@mel.module "path"] [@@mel.variadic]
let v = join [| "a"; "b" |]
[@mel.module "path"] [@mel.variadic]
external join: array(string) => string = "join";
let v = join([|"a", "b"|]);


import * as Path from "path";
const v = Path.join("a", "b");

If more dynamism is needed, there is a way to inject elements with different types in the array and still have Melange compile to JavaScript values that are not wrapped using the OCaml unboxed attribute, which was mentioned in the OCaml attributes section:

type hide = Hide : 'a -> hide [@@unboxed]

external join : hide array -> string = "join" [@@mel.module "path"] [@@mel.variadic]

let v = join [| Hide "a"; Hide 2 |]
type hide =
  | Hide('a): hide;

[@mel.module "path"] [@mel.variadic]
external join: array(hide) => string = "join";

let v = join([|Hide("a"), Hide(2)|]);

Compiles to:

import * as Path from "path";
const v = Path.join("a", 2);

Bind to a polymorphic function

Some JavaScript libraries will define functions where the arguments can vary on both type and shape. There are two approaches to bind to those, depending on how dynamic they are.

Approach 1: Multiple external functions

If it is possible to enumerate the many forms an overloaded JavaScript function can take, a flexible approach is to bind to each form individually:

external drawCat : unit -> unit = "draw" [@@mel.module "MyGame"]
external drawDog : giveName:string -> unit = "draw" [@@mel.module "MyGame"]
external draw : string -> useRandomAnimal:bool -> unit = "draw"
  [@@mel.module "MyGame"]
[@mel.module "MyGame"] external drawCat: unit => unit = "draw";
[@mel.module "MyGame"] external drawDog: (~giveName: string) => unit = "draw";
[@mel.module "MyGame"]
external draw: (string, ~useRandomAnimal: bool) => unit = "draw";

Note how all three externals bind to the same JavaScript function, draw.

Approach 2: Polymorphic variant + mel.unwrap

In some cases, the function has a constant number of arguments but the type of the argument can vary. For cases like this, we can model the argument as a variant and use the mel.unwrap attribute in the external.

Let’s say we want to bind to the following JavaScript function:

function padLeft(value, padding) {
  if (typeof padding === "number") {
    return Array(padding + 1).join(" ") + value;
  if (typeof padding === "string") {
    return padding + value;
  throw new Error(`Expected string or number, got '${padding}'.`);

As the padding argument can be either a number or a string, we can use mel.unwrap to define it. It is important to note that mel.unwrap imposes certain requirements on the type it is applied to:

  • It needs to be a polymorphic variant
  • Its definition needs to be inlined
  • Each variant tag needs to have an argument
  • The variant type cannot be opened (can’t use >)
external padLeft:
  -> ([ `Str of string
      | `Int of int
      ] [@mel.unwrap])
  -> string
  = "padLeft"

let s1 = padLeft "Hello World" (`Int 4)
let s2 = padLeft "Hello World" (`Str "Message from Melange: ")
external padLeft:
    [@mel.unwrap] [
      | `Str(string)
      | `Int(int)
  ) =>
  string =

let s1 = padLeft("Hello World", `Int(4));
let s2 = padLeft("Hello World", `Str("Message from Melange: "));

Which produces the following JavaScript:

const s1 = padLeft("Hello World", 4);
const s2 = padLeft("Hello World", "Message from Melange: ");

As we saw in the Non-shared data types section, we should avoid passing variants directly to the JavaScript side. By using mel.unwrap we get the best of both worlds: from Melange we can use variants, while JavaScript gets the raw values inside them.

Using polymorphic variants to bind to enums

Some JavaScript APIs take a limited subset of values as input. For example, Node’s fs.readFileSync second argument can only take a few given string values: "ascii", "utf8", etc. Some other functions can take values from a few given integers, like the createStatusBarItem function in VS Code API, which can take an alignment parameter that can only be 1 or 2.

One could still type these parameters as just string or int, but this would not prevent consumers of the external function from calling it using values that are unsupported by the JavaScript function. Let’s see how we can use polymorphic variants to avoid runtime errors.

If the values are strings, we can directly use polymorphic variants:

external read_file_sync :
  path:string -> ([ `utf8 | `ascii ]) -> string = "readFileSync"
  [@@mel.module "fs"]

let text = read_file_sync ~path:"xx.txt" `ascii
[@mel.module "fs"]
external read_file_sync:
    ~path: string,
      | `utf8
      | `ascii
  ) =>
  string =

let text = read_file_sync(~path="xx.txt", `ascii);

Which generates:

import * as Fs from "fs";
const text = Fs.readFileSync("xx.txt", "ascii");

This technique can be combined with the attribute to modify the strings produced from the polymorphic variant values. For example:

type document
type style

external document : document = "document"
external get_by_id : document -> string -> Dom.element = "getElementById"
external style : Dom.element -> style = "style" [@@mel.get]
external set_transition_timing_function :
  style ->
  ([ `ease
   | `easeIn [ "ease-in"]
   | `easeOut [ "ease-out"]
   | `easeInOut [ "ease-in-out"]
   | `linear ]
  [@mel.string]) ->
  unit = "transitionTimingFunction"

let element_style = style (get_by_id document "my-id")
let () = set_transition_timing_function element_style `easeIn
type document;
type style;

external document: document = "document";
external get_by_id: (document, string) => Dom.element = "getElementById";
[@mel.get] external style: Dom.element => style = "style";
external set_transition_timing_function:
    [@mel.string] [
      | `ease
      | [ "ease-in"] `easeIn
      | [ "ease-out"] `easeOut
      | [ "ease-in-out"] `easeInOut
      | `linear
  ) =>
  unit =

let element_style = style(get_by_id(document, "my-id"));
let () = set_transition_timing_function(element_style, `easeIn);

This will generate:

const element_style = document.getElementById("my-id").style;

element_style.transitionTimingFunction = "ease-in";

Aside from producing string values, Melange also offers to produce integer values. can also be combined with

external test_int_type :
  ([ `on_closed | `on_open [ 20] | `in_bin ][]) -> int
  = "testIntType"

let value1 = test_int_type `on_closed
let value2 = test_int_type `on_open
let value3 = test_int_type `in_bin
external test_int_type:
    | `on_closed
    | [ 20] `on_open
    | `in_bin
  ) =>
  int =

let value1 = test_int_type(`on_closed);
let value2 = test_int_type(`on_open);
let value3 = test_int_type(`in_bin);

In this example, on_closed will be encoded as 0, on_open will be 20 due to the attribute and in_bin will be 21, because if no annotation is provided for a variant tag, the compiler continues assigning values counting up from the previous one.

This code generates:

const value1 = testIntType(0);
const value2 = testIntType(20);
const value3 = testIntType(21);

Using polymorphic variants to bind to event listeners

Polymorphic variants can also be used to wrap event listeners, or any other kind of callback, for example:

type readline

external on :
  readline ->
  ([ `close of unit -> unit | `line of string -> unit ][@mel.string]) ->
  readline = "on"

let register rl =
  rl |. on (`close (fun _event -> ())) |. on (`line (fun line -> Js.log line))
type readline;

external on:
    [@mel.string] [
      | `close(unit => unit)
      | `line(string => unit)
  ) =>
  readline =

let register = rl =>
  rl->(on(`close(_event => ())))->(on(`line(line => Js.log(line))));

This generates:

function register(rl) {
  return rl
    .on("close", function(_event) {})
    .on("line", function(line) {

Constant values as arguments

Sometimes we want to call a JavaScript function and make sure one of the arguments is always constant. For this, the [] attribute can be combined with the wildcard pattern _:

external process_on_exit : (_[ "exit"]) -> (int -> unit) -> unit
  = "process.on"

let () =
  process_on_exit (fun exit_code ->
    Js.log ("error code: " ^ string_of_int exit_code))
external process_on_exit: ([ "exit"] _, int => unit) => unit =

let () =
  process_on_exit(exit_code =>
    Js.log("error code: " ++ string_of_int(exit_code))

This generates:

process.on("exit", (function (exit_code) {
  console.log("error code: " + String(exit_code));

The "exit" and the wildcard _ pattern together will tell Melange to compile the first argument of the JavaScript function to the string "exit".

You can also use any JSON literal by passing a quoted string to {json|true|json} or {json|{"name": "John"}|json}.

Binding to callbacks

In OCaml, all functions have arity 1. This means that if you define a function like this:

let add x y = x + y
let add = (x, y) => x + y;

Its type will be int -> int -> int. This means that one can partially apply add by calling add 1, which will return another function expecting the second argument of the addition. This kind of function is called a "curried" function. More information about currying in OCaml can be found in this chapter of the "OCaml Programming: Correct + Efficient + Beautiful" book.

This is incompatible with how function calling conventions work in JavaScript, where all function calls always apply all the arguments. To continue the example, let’s say we have an add function implemented in JavaScript, similar to the one above:

const add = function (a, b) {
    return a + b;

If we call add(1), the function will be totally applied, with b having undefined value. And as JavaScript will try to add 1 with undefined, we will get NaN as a result.

To illustrate this difference and how it affects Melange bindings, let’s say we want to write bindings for a JavaScript function like this:

function map (a, b, f){
  const i = Math.min(a.length, b.length);
  const c = new Array(i);
  for(let j = 0; j < i; ++j){
    c[j] = f(a[i],b[i])
  return c ;

A naive external function declaration could be as below:

external map : 'a array -> 'b array -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'c array = "map"
external map: (array('a), array('b), ('a, 'b) => 'c) => array('c) = "map";

Unfortunately, this is not completely correct. The issue is in the callback function, with type 'a -> 'b -> 'c. This means that map will expect a function like add described above. But as we said, in OCaml, having two arguments means just to have two functions that take one argument.

Let’s rewrite add to make the problem a bit more clear:

let add x = let partial y = x + y in partial
let add = x => {
  let partial = y => x + y;

This will be compiled to:

function add(x) {
  return (function (y) {
    return x + y | 0;

Now if we ever used our external function map with our add function by calling map arr1 arr2 add it would not work as expected. JavaScript function application does not work the same as in OCaml, so the function call in the map implementation, f(a[i],b[i]), would be applied over the outer JavaScript function add, which only takes one argument x, and b[i] would be just discarded. The value returned from the operation would not be the addition of the two numbers, but rather the inner anonymous callback.

To solve this mismatch between OCaml and JavaScript functions and their application, Melange provides a special attribute @u that can be used to annotate external functions that need to be "uncurried".

In Reason syntax, this attribute does not need to be written explicitly, as it is deeply integrated with the Reason parser. To specify some function type as "uncurried", one just needs to add the dot character . to the function type. For example, (. 'a, 'b) => 'c instead of ('a, 'b) => 'c.

In the example above:

external map : 'a array -> 'b array -> (('a -> 'b -> 'c)[@u]) -> 'c array
  = "map"
external map: (array('a), array('b), (. 'a, 'b) => 'c) => array('c) = "map";

Here ('a -> 'b -> 'c [@u])(. 'a, 'b) => 'cwill be interpreted as having arity 2. In general, 'a0 -> 'a1 ...​ 'aN -> 'b0 [@u] is the same as 'a0 -> 'a1 ...​ 'aN -> 'b0. 'a0, 'a1, ...​ 'aN => 'b0 is the same as 'a0, 'a1, ...​ 'aN => 'b0 except the former’s arity is guaranteed to be N while the latter is unknown.

If we try now to call map using add:

let add x y = x + y
let _ = map [||] [||] add
let add = (x, y) => x + y;
let _ = map([||], [||], add);

We will get an error:

let _ = map [||] [||] add
Error: The value add has type int -> int -> int
       but an expression was expected of type ('a -> 'b -> 'c [@u])

To solve this, we add @u. in the function definition as well:

let add = fun [@u] x y -> x + y
let add = (. x, y) => x + y;

Annotating function definitions can be quite cumbersome when writing a lot of externals.

To work around the verbosity, Melange offers another attribute called mel.uncurry.

Let’s see how we could use it in the previous example. We just need to replace u with mel.uncurry:

external map :
  'a array -> 'b array -> (('a -> 'b -> 'c)[@mel.uncurry]) -> 'c array = "map"
external map:
  (array('a), array('b), [@mel.uncurry] (('a, 'b) => 'c)) => array('c) =

Now if we try to call map with a regular add function:

let add x y = x + y
let _ = map [||] [||] add
let add = (x, y) => x + y;
let _ = map([||], [||], add);

Everything works fine now, without having to attach any attributes to add.

The main difference between u and mel.uncurry is that the latter only works with externals. mel.uncurry is the recommended option to use for bindings, while u remains useful for those use cases where performance is crucial and we want the JavaScript functions generated from OCaml ones to not be applied partially.

Modeling this-based Callbacks

Many JavaScript libraries have callbacks which rely on the this keyword, for example:

x.onload = function(v) {
  console.log(this.response + v)

Inside the x.onload callback, this would be pointing to x. It would not be correct to declare x.onload of type unit -> unit. Instead, Melange introduces a special attribute, mel.this, which allows to type x as this:

type x
external x : x = "x"
external set_onload : x -> ((x -> int -> unit)[@mel.this]) -> unit = "onload"
external resp : x -> int = "response" [@@mel.get]
let () =
  set_onload x
      fun [@mel.this] o v -> Js.log (resp o + v)
type x;
external x: x = "x";
external set_onload: (x, [@mel.this] ((x, int) => unit)) => unit = "onload";
[@mel.get] external resp: x => int = "response";
let () = set_onload(x, [@mel.this] (o, v) => Js.log(resp(o) + v));

Which generates:

x.onload = (function (v) {
  let o = this ;
  console.log(o.response + v | 0);

Note that the first argument will be reserved for this.

Wrapping returned nullable values

JavaScript models null and undefined differently, whereas it can be useful to treat both as 'a optionoption('a) in Melange.

Melange understands the mel.return attribute in externals to model how nullable return types should be wrapped at the bindings boundary. An external value with mel.return converts the return value to an option type, avoiding the need for extra wrapping / unwrapping with functions such as Js.Nullable.toOption.

type element
type document
external get_by_id : document -> string -> element option = "getElementById"
  [@@mel.send] [@@mel.return nullable]

let test document =
  let elem = get_by_id document "header" in
  match elem with
  | None -> 1
  | Some _element -> 2
type element;
type document;
[@mel.send] [@mel.return nullable]
external get_by_id: (document, string) => option(element) = "getElementById";

let test = document => {
  let elem = get_by_id(document, "header");
  switch (elem) {
  | None => 1
  | Some(_element) => 2

Which generates:

function test($$document) {
  const elem = $$document.getElementById("header");
  if (elem == null) {
    return 1;
  } else {
    return 2;

The mel.return attribute takes an attribute payload, as seen with [@@mel.return nullable][@mel.return nullable] above. Currently 4 directives are supported: null_to_opt, undefined_to_opt, nullable and identity.

nullable is encouraged, as it will convert from null and undefined to option type.

identity will make sure that compiler will do nothing about the returned value. It is rarely used, but introduced here for debugging purposes.