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Announcing Melange 3


We are excited to announce the release of Melange 3, the latest version of our backend for the OCaml compiler that emits JavaScript.

This new version comes packed with significant changes, improvements, and a few necessary removals to ensure a more streamlined and efficient experience for our users. This new version is both leaner and more robust. We focused on fixing crashes and removing obsolete functionality, improving the developer and troubleshooting experience, increasing OCaml compatibility and JavaScript FFI integration.

Here's a rundown of the key updates in Melange 3. Check the Melange documentation for further resources.

Major Changes and Removals

In Melange 3, Belt is no longer a dependency for the Melange Stdlib. Libraries that depend on the Belt modules will need to include (libraries melange.belt) in their build configuration.

The @bs / @bs.* attributes have been replaced. Users of Melange should now utilize [@u] for uncurried application and [@mel.*] for FFI attributes. Additionally:

  • [@mel.val] has been removed as it was redundant in the Melange FFI​​.
  • [@mel.splice] was removed in favor of [@mel.variadic]

For this release, most modules in the Js namespace had their APIs unified, deduplicated and refactored. In cases such as Js.Int, Js.Date, Js.Re, Js.Float, Js.String, some functions were changed from pipe-first to pipe-last and labeled arguments were added; and incorporating those made others obsolete, which we removed. Modules such as Js.List, Js.Null_undefined, Js.Option, Js.Result and Js.Cast are also no longer present in Melange 3. Alternatives within Stdlib or Belt are instead​​ recommended.

New Features and Enhancements

Melange 3 includes a few interesting new features and enhancements. From syntax and preprocessing to interop with JavaScript, runtime and error messages, here are some we chose to highlight:

Multiple OCaml-version releases

A few users have expressed concerns related to Melange having a 1:1 relationship to its OCaml version. This limitation exists because we vendor and modify OCaml's typechecker, which is usually version-dependent.

In Melange 1, we made some strides to solve this at the syntax level – one Melange version could work across many compiler switches. But that has a pretty big limitation: editor tooling, documentation generation and everything else that reads from .cmt artifact files needed to be in the same compiler switch as the version of the typechecker in use.

Starting in Melange 3, we will be adopting the recent Merlin release strategy: Melange has a release for every compiler version that it supports, suffixed with the OCaml version that it corresponds to, e.g. Melange 3 on OCaml 4.14 is v3.0.0-414.


  • Modules can be renamed with
  • @mel.obj and %mel.obj allow renaming the JS object keys with
  • can now be used alongside @mel.send and @mel.send.pipe
  • [@@deriving abstract] is now deprecated and split into its two main features:
    • [@@deriving jsProperties] derives a JS object creation function that can generate a JS object with optional keys (when using @mel.optional])
    • [@@deriving getSet] derives getter / setter functions for the JS object derived by the underlying record.

Error messages & Hints

Melange 3 provides more informative error messages originating from both the melange.ppx and the compiler core​​​​.

In this release, we also introduce a new unprocessed alert to detect code that has made it to the Melange compiler without having been processed by the Melange PPX. Besides hinting users to add (preprocess (pps melange.ppx)) to their dune file, this alert more explicitly exposes a common failure mode that puzzles beginners quite often.


  • The Melange playground now has improved reporting of PPX alerts.
  • Runtime error rendering in the playground renders better error information.
  • The JS parser within Melange has been upgraded to Flow v0.225.1.

Runtime & Stdlib

Melange 3 implements more functions in the following modules of the Stdlib: String, Bytes, Buffer, BytesLabels and StringLabels. Specifically, the new unicode parsing functions upstream are now available in Melange as well.

Some keys with legacy names have been updated for consistency, such as renaming RE_EXN_ID to MEL_EXN_ID and BS_PRIVATE_NESTED_SOME_NONE to MEL_PRIVATE_NESTED_SOME_NONE​​ in the Melange generated JS runtime.

The team also took a look at unicode strings in this version of Melange. A few noteworthy changes:

  • {j| ... |j} interpolation​​​​ now only allows interpolating strings; other usages of interpolation have started to produce type errors.
  • Unicode strings such as {js| … |js} can now be used as Format strings.


Melange 3 marks a significant step forward in the OCaml-to-JavaScript compilation process. With these updates, we aim to provide a more robust, efficient, and user-friendly tool for developers. We encourage users to upgrade to this new version to take full advantage of the improvements and to adapt to the breaking changes for a smoother development experience. For a full list of the changes that made it into this release, feel free to consult the changelog.

Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements as we continue to improve Melange and support the developer community!