Module Js.Exn

Utilities for dealing with Js exceptions

type t;
type exn += pri
  1. | Error(t)
let asJsExn: exn => option(t);
let stack: t => option(string);
let message: t => option(string);
let name: t => option(string);
let fileName: t => option(string);
let isCamlExceptionOrOpenVariant: 'a => bool;

internal use only

let anyToExnInternal: 'a => exn;

anyToExnInternal obj will take any value obj and wrap it in a Js.Exn.Error if given value is not an exn already. If obj is an exn, it will return obj without any changes.

This function is mostly useful for cases where you want to unify a type of a value that potentially is either exn, a JS error, or any other JS value really (e.g. for a value passed to a Promise.catch callback)

IMPORTANT: This is an internal API and may be changed / removed any time in the future.

switch (Js.Exn.unsafeAnyToExn("test")) {
| Js.Exn.Error(v) =>
  switch (Js.Exn.message(v)) {
  | Some(str) => Js.log("We won't end up here")
  | None => Js.log2("We will land here: ", v)
let raiseError: string => 'a;

Raise Js exception Error object with stacktrace

let raiseEvalError: string => 'a;
let raiseRangeError: string => 'a;
let raiseReferenceError: string => 'a;
let raiseSyntaxError: string => 'a;
let raiseTypeError: string => 'a;
let raiseUriError: string => 'a;