Module Belt.Option


Utilities for option data type.


Utilities for option data type

let keepU: option('a) => Js.Fn.arity1(('a => bool)) => option('a);

Uncurried version of keep

let keep: option('a) => ('a => bool) => option('a);

keep optionValue p

If optionValue is Some value and p value = true, it returns Some value; otherwise returns None

keep (Some 10)(fun x -> x > 5);; (* returns [Some 10] *)
keep (Some 4)(fun x -> x > 5);; (* returns [None] *)
keep None (fun x -> x > 5);; (* returns [None] *)
let forEachU: option('a) => Js.Fn.arity1(('a => unit)) => unit;

Uncurried version of forEach

let forEach: option('a) => ('a => unit) => unit;

forEach optionValue f

If optionValue is Some value, it calls f value; otherwise returns ()

forEach (Some "thing")(fun x -> Js.log x);; (* logs "thing" *)
forEach None (fun x -> Js.log x);; (* returns () *)
let getExn: option('a) => 'a;

getExn optionalValue Returns value if optionalValue is Some value, otherwise raises getExn

getExn (Some 3) = 3;;
getExn None (* Raises getExn error *)
let getUnsafe: option('a) => 'a;

getUnsafe x returns x This is an unsafe operation, it assumes x is neither not None or (Some (None .. ))

let mapWithDefaultU: option('a) => 'b => Js.Fn.arity1(('a => 'b)) => 'b;

Uncurried version of mapWithDefault

let mapWithDefault: option('a) => 'b => ('a => 'b) => 'b;

mapWithDefault optionValue default f

If optionValue is Some value, returns f value; otherwise returns default

mapWithDefault (Some 3) 0 (fun x -> x + 5) = 8;;
mapWithDefault None 0 (fun x -> x + 5) = 0;;
let mapU: option('a) => Js.Fn.arity1(('a => 'b)) => option('b);

Uncurried version of map

let map: option('a) => ('a => 'b) => option('b);

map optionValue f

If optionValue is Some value, returns Some (f value); otherwise returns None

map (Some 3) (fun x -> x * x) = (Some 9);;
map None (fun x -> x * x) = None;;
let flatMapU: option('a) => Js.Fn.arity1(('a => option('b))) => option('b);

Uncurried version of flatMap

let flatMap: option('a) => ('a => option('b)) => option('b);

flatMap optionValue f

If optionValue is Some value, returns f value; otherwise returns None The function f must have a return type of 'a option

let f (x : float) =
    if x >= 0.0 then
      Some (sqrt x)

flatMap (Some 4.0) f = Some 2.0;;
flatMap (Some (-4.0)) f = None;;
flatMap None f = None;;
let getWithDefault: option('a) => 'a => 'a;

getWithDefault optionalValue default

If optionalValue is Some value, returns value, otherwise default

getWithDefault (Some 1812) 1066 = 1812;;
getWithDefault None 1066 = 1066;;
let orElse: option('a) => option('a) => option('a);

orElse optionalValue otherOptional

If optionalValue is Some value, returns Some value, otherwise otherOptional

orElse (Some 1812) (Some 1066) = Some 1812;;
orElse None (Some 1066) = Some 1066;;
orElse None None = None;;
let isSome: option('a) => bool;

Returns true if the argument is Some value, false otherwise

let isNone: option('a) => bool;

Returns true if the argument is None, false otherwise

let eqU: option('a) => option('b) => Js.Fn.arity2(('a => 'b => bool)) => bool;

Uncurried version of eq

let eq: option('a) => option('b) => ('a => 'b => bool) => bool;

eq optValue1 optvalue2 predicate

Evaluates two optional values for equality with respect to a predicate function.

If both optValue1 and optValue2 are None, returns true.

If one of the arguments is Some value and the other is None, returns false

If arguments are Some value1 and Some value2, returns the result of predicate value1 value2; the predicate function must return a bool

let clockEqual = (fun a b -> a mod 12 = b mod 12);;
eq (Some 3) (Some 15) clockEqual = true;;
eq (Some 3) None clockEqual = false;;
eq None (Some 3) clockEqual = false;;
eq None None clockEqual = true;;
let cmpU: option('a) => option('b) => Js.Fn.arity2(('a => 'b => int)) => int;

Uncurried version of cmp

let cmp: option('a) => option('b) => ('a => 'b => int) => int;

cmp optValue1 optvalue2 comparisonFcn

Compares two optional values with respect to a comparison function

If both optValue1 and optValue2 are None, returns 0.

If the first argument is Some value1 and the second is None, returns 1 (something is greater than nothing)

If the first argument is None and the second is Some value2, returns -1 (nothing is less than something)

If the arguments are Some value1 and Some value2, returns the result of comparisonFcn value1 value2; comparisonFcn takes two arguments and returns -1 if the first argument is less than the second, 0 if the arguments are equal, and 1 if the first argument is greater than the second.

let clockCompare = fun a b -> compare (a mod 12) (b mod 12);;
cmp (Some 3) (Some 15) clockCompare = 0;;
cmp (Some 3) (Some 14) clockCompare = 1;;
cmp (Some 2) (Some 15) clockCompare = -1;;
cmp None (Some 15) clockCompare = -1;;
cmp (Some 14) None clockCompare = 1;;
cmp None None clockCompare = 0;;