Module Js.Re

Provide bindings to Js regex expression

Provides bindings for JavaScript Regular Expressions

Syntax sugar

Melange provides a bit of syntax sugar for regex literals: [%re "/foo/g"] will evaluate to a t that can be passed around and used like usual.

Note: This is not an immutable API. A RegExp object with the global ("g") flag set will modify the lastIndex property when the RegExp object is used, and subsequent uses will ocntinue the search from the previous lastIndex.

let maybeMatches = "banana" |> Js.String.match_ [\[%re "/na+/g"\]]
type t;

the RegExp object

type result;

the result of a executing a RegExp on a string

let captures: result => array(Js__.Js_internal.nullable(string));

an array of the match and captures, the first is the full match and the remaining are the substring captures

let index: result => int;

0-based index of the match in the input string

let input: result => string;

the original input string

let fromString: string => t;

Constructs a RegExp object (t) from a string

Regex literals ([%re "/.../"]) should generally be preferred, but fromString is very useful when you need to insert a string into a regex.

(* A function that extracts the content of the first element with the given tag *)

let contentOf tag xmlString =
  Js.Re.fromString ("<" ^ tag ^ ">(.*?)<\\/" ^ tag ^">")
    |> Js.Re.exec ~str:xmlString
    |> function
      | Some result -> Js.Nullable.toOption (Js.Re.captures result).(1)
      | None -> None
let fromStringWithFlags: string => flags:string => t;

Constructs a RegExp object (t) from a string with the given flags

See fromString

Valid flags:

g global
i ignore case
m multiline
u unicode (es2015)
y sticky (es2015)

let flags: t => string;

returns the enabled flags as a string

let global: t => bool;

returns a bool indicating whether the global flag is set

let ignoreCase: t => bool;

returns a bool indicating whether the ignoreCase flag is set

let lastIndex: t => int;

returns the index where the next match will start its search

This property will be modified when the RegExp object is used, if the global ("g") flag is set.

(* Finds and prints successive matches *)

let re = [%re "/ab*/g"] in
let str = "abbcdefabh" in

let break = ref false in
while not !break do
  match re |> Js.Re.exec ~str with
  | None -> break := true
  | Some result ->
    Js.Nullable.iter (Js.Re.captures result).(0) ((fun match_ ->
      let next = string_of_int (Js.Re.lastIndex re) in
      Js.log ("Found " ^ match_ ^ ". Next match starts at " ^ next)))
let setLastIndex: t => int => unit;

sets the index at which the next match will start its search from

let multiline: t => bool;

returns a bool indicating whether the multiline flag is set

let source: t => string;

returns the pattern as a string

let sticky: t => bool;

returns a bool indicating whether the sticky flag is set

let unicode: t => bool;

returns a bool indicating whether the unicode flag is set

let exec: str:string => t => option(result);

executes a search on a given string using the given RegExp object

returns Some result if a match is found, None otherwise

(* Match "quick brown" followed by "jumps", ignoring characters in between
 * Remember "brown" and "jumps"
 * Ignore case

let re = [%re "/quick\s(brown).+?(jumps)/ig"] in
let result = re |. Js.Re.exec ~str:"The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog"
let test: str:string => t => bool;

tests whether the given RegExp object will match a given string

returns true if a match is found, false otherwise

(* A simple implementation of Js.String.startsWith *)

let str = "hello world!"

let startsWith target substring =
  Js.Re.fromString ("^" ^ substring)
    |. Js.Re.test ~str:target

let () = Js.log (str |. startsWith "hello") (* prints "true" *)