Module Type.Object

module Property : sig ... end
module SpreadProperty : sig ... end
module Indexer : sig ... end
module CallProperty : sig ... end
module InternalSlot : sig ... end
type ('M, 'T) t = {
  1. exact : bool;
  2. inexact : bool;
  3. properties : ('M, 'T) property list;
  4. comments : ('M, 'M Comment.t list) Syntax.t option;
and ('M, 'T) property =
  1. | Property of ('M, 'T) Property.t
  2. | SpreadProperty of ('M, 'T) SpreadProperty.t
  3. | Indexer of ('M, 'T) Indexer.t
  4. | CallProperty of ('M, 'T) CallProperty.t
  5. | InternalSlot of ('M, 'T) InternalSlot.t