Module Statement.EnumDeclaration

module DefaultedMember : sig ... end
module InitializedMember : sig ... end
module BooleanBody : sig ... end
module NumberBody : sig ... end
module StringBody : sig ... end
module SymbolBody : sig ... end
type ('M, 'T) t = {
  1. id : ('M, 'T) Identifier.t;
  2. body : 'M body;
  3. comments : ('M, unit) Syntax.t option;
and 'M body = 'M * 'M body'
and 'M body' =
  1. | BooleanBody of 'M BooleanBody.t
  2. | NumberBody of 'M NumberBody.t
  3. | StringBody of 'M StringBody.t
  4. | SymbolBody of 'M SymbolBody.t