Module Ext_string

Extension to the standard library String module, fixed some bugs like avoiding locale sensitivity

val split_by : ?keep_empty:bool -> (char -> bool) -> string -> string list

default is false

val split : ?keep_empty:bool -> string -> char -> string list

default is false

val ends_with_char : string -> char -> bool
val ends_with_then_chop : string -> string -> string option

ends_with_then_chop name ext

ends_with_then_chop "a.cmj" ".cmj"

This is useful in controlled or file case sensitve system

val for_all_from : string -> int -> (char -> bool) -> bool

for_all_from s start p if start is negative, it raises, if start is too large, it returns true

val rfind : sub:string -> string -> int
val tail_from : string -> int -> string

tail_from s 1 return a substring from offset 1 (inclusive)

val rindex_neg : string -> char -> int

returns negative number if not found

val replace_slash_backward : string -> string

if no conversion happens, reference equality holds

val replace_backward_slash : string -> string

if no conversion happens, reference equality holds

val capitalize_sub : string -> int -> string