First in last out stack.
This module implements stacks, with in-place modification.
let make: unit => t('a);
let clear: t('a) => unit;
Discard all elements from the stack.
let push: t('a) => 'a => unit;
let popUndefined: t('a) => Js.undefined('a);
let pop: t('a) => option('a);
let topUndefined: t('a) => Js.undefined('a);
let top: t('a) => option('a);
let isEmpty: t('a) => bool;
let size: t('a) => int;
let forEachU: t('a) => Js.Fn.arity1(('a => unit)) => unit;
let forEach: t('a) => ('a => unit) => unit;
let dynamicPopIterU: t('a) => Js.Fn.arity1(('a => unit)) => unit;
let dynamicPopIter: t('a) => ('a => unit) => unit;
dynamicPopIter s f
apply f
to each element of s
. The item is poped before applying f
, s
will be empty after this opeartion. This function is useful for worklist algorithm