module Int = Belt_MutableMapInt;
module String = Belt_MutableMapString;
A mutable sorted map module which allows customize compare behavior.
Same as Belt.Map, but mutable.
type id('key, 'id) = Belt_Id.comparable('key, 'id);
let clear: t(_, _, _) => unit;
let isEmpty: t(_, _, _) => bool;
let has: t('k, _, _) => 'k => bool;
let cmpU:
t('k, 'a, 'id) =>
t('k, 'a, 'id) =>
Js.Fn.arity2(('a => 'a => int)) =>
cmp m1 m2 cmp
First compare by size, if size is the same, compare by key, value pair
let eqU:
t('k, 'a, 'id) =>
t('k, 'a, 'id) =>
Js.Fn.arity2(('a => 'a => bool)) =>
eq m1 m2 eqf
tests whether the maps m1
and m2
are equal, that is, contain equal keys and associate them with equal data. eqf
is the equality predicate used to compare the data associated with the keys.
let forEachU: t('k, 'a, 'id) => Js.Fn.arity2(('k => 'a => unit)) => unit;
let forEach: t('k, 'a, 'id) => ('k => 'a => unit) => unit;
forEach m f
applies f
to all bindings in map m
. f
receives the 'k as first argument, and the associated value as second argument. The bindings are passed to f
in increasing order with respect to the ordering over the type of the keys.
let reduceU:
t('k, 'a, 'id) =>
'b =>
Js.Fn.arity3(('b => 'k => 'a => 'b)) =>
let reduce: t('k, 'a, 'id) => 'b => ('b => 'k => 'a => 'b) => 'b;
reduce m a f
computes (f kN dN ... (f k1 d1 a)...)
, where k1 ... kN
are the keys of all bindings in m
(in increasing order), and d1 ... dN
are the associated data.
let everyU: t('k, 'a, 'id) => Js.Fn.arity2(('k => 'a => bool)) => bool;
let every: t('k, 'a, 'id) => ('k => 'a => bool) => bool;
every m p
checks if all the bindings of the map satisfy the predicate p
let someU: t('k, 'a, 'id) => Js.Fn.arity2(('k => 'a => bool)) => bool;
let some: t('k, 'a, 'id) => ('k => 'a => bool) => bool;
some m p
checks if at least one binding of the map satisfy the predicate p
let size: t('k, 'a, 'id) => int;
let toList: t('k, 'a, 'id) => list(('k, 'a));
In increasing order
let toArray: t('k, 'a, 'id) => array(('k, 'a));
In increasing order
let keysToArray: t('k, _, _) => array('k);
let valuesToArray: t(_, 'a, _) => array('a);
let minKey: t('k, _, _) => option('k);
let minKeyUndefined: t('k, _, _) => Js.undefined('k);
let maxKey: t('k, _, _) => option('k);
let maxKeyUndefined: t('k, _, _) => Js.undefined('k);
let minimum: t('k, 'a, _) => option(('k, 'a));
let minUndefined: t('k, 'a, _) => Js.undefined(('k, 'a));
let maximum: t('k, 'a, _) => option(('k, 'a));
let maxUndefined: t('k, 'a, _) => Js.undefined(('k, 'a));
let get: t('k, 'a, 'id) => 'k => option('a);
let getUndefined: t('k, 'a, 'id) => 'k => Js.undefined('a);
let getWithDefault: t('k, 'a, 'id) => 'k => 'a => 'a;
let getExn: t('k, 'a, 'id) => 'k => 'a;
let checkInvariantInternal: t(_, _, _) => unit;
raise when invariant is not held
let remove: t('k, 'a, 'id) => 'k => unit;
remove m x
do the in-place modification,
let removeMany: t('k, 'a, 'id) => array('k) => unit;
let set: t('k, 'a, 'id) => 'k => 'a => unit;
set m x y
do the in-place modification
let updateU:
t('k, 'a, 'id) =>
'k =>
Js.Fn.arity1((option('a) => option('a))) =>
let update: t('k, 'a, 'id) => 'k => (option('a) => option('a)) => unit;
let mergeMany: t('k, 'a, 'id) => array(('k, 'a)) => unit;
let mapU: t('k, 'a, 'id) => Js.Fn.arity1(('a => 'b)) => t('k, 'b, 'id);
map m f
returns a map with same domain as m
, where the associated value a
of all bindings of m
has been replaced by the result of the application of f
to a
. The bindings are passed to f
in increasing order with respect to the ordering over the type of the keys.
let mapWithKeyU:
t('k, 'a, 'id) =>
Js.Fn.arity2(('k => 'a => 'b)) =>
t('k, 'b, 'id);