Module Parsing0

module Ast_helper : sig ... end

Helpers to produce Parsetree fragments

module Ast_iterator : sig ... end

Ast_iterator.iterator enables AST inspection using open recursion. A typical mapper would be based on Ast_iterator.default_iterator, a trivial iterator, and will fall back on it for handling the syntax it does not modify.

module Ast_mapper : sig ... end

The interface of a -ppx rewriter

module Attr_helper : sig ... end

Helpers for attributes

module Bs_clflags : sig ... end
module Builtin_attributes : sig ... end

Support for some of the builtin attributes

module Config : sig ... end

System configuration

module Consistbl : sig ... end

Consistency tables: for checking consistency of module CRCs

module Depend : sig ... end

Module dependencies.

module Diffing : sig ... end

Parametric diffing

module Diffing_with_keys : sig ... end

When diffing lists where each element has a distinct key, we can refine the diffing patch by introducing two composite edit moves: swaps and moves.

module Docstrings : sig ... end

Documentation comments

module Lazy_backtrack : sig ... end
module Load_path : sig ... end

Management of include directories.

module Location : sig ... end

Source code locations (ranges of positions), used in parsetree.

module Misc : sig ... end

Miscellaneous useful types and functions

module Parsetree : sig ... end

Abstract syntax tree produced by parsing

module Printast : sig ... end

Raw printer for Parsetree

module Warnings : sig ... end

Warning definitions