Module Node_process

module Js_OO := Js_OO
type t = < argv : string array ; arch : string ; abort : unit Js_OO.Meth.arity0 ; chdir : (string -> unit) Js_OO.Meth.arity1 ; cwd : string Js_OO.Meth.arity0 ; disconnect : unit Js_OO.Meth.arity0 ; platform : string ; env : string Js_dict.t > Js.t
val process : t
val argv : string array
val exit : int -> 'a
val cwd : unit -> string
val uptime : t -> unit -> float

The process.uptime() method returns the number of seconds the current Node.js process has been running.)

val putEnvVar : string -> string -> unit
val deleteEnvVar : string -> unit