Module Belt_Range

A small module to provide a inclusive range operations [start, finsish], it use a for-loop internally instead of creating an array

val forEachU : int -> int -> (int -> unit) Js.Fn.arity1 -> unit
val forEach : int -> int -> (int -> unit) -> unit

forEach start finish action

equivalent to Belt.Array.(forEach (range start finish) action)

val everyU : int -> int -> (int -> bool) Js.Fn.arity1 -> bool
val every : int -> int -> (int -> bool) -> bool

every start finish p

equivalent to Belt.Array.(every (range start finish) p )

val everyByU : int -> int -> step:int -> (int -> bool) Js.Fn.arity1 -> bool
val everyBy : int -> int -> step:int -> (int -> bool) -> bool

everyBy start finish ~step p

See Belt_Array.rangeBy

equivalent to Belt.Array.(every (rangeBy start finish ~step) p)

val someU : int -> int -> (int -> bool) Js.Fn.arity1 -> bool
val some : int -> int -> (int -> bool) -> bool

some start finish p

equivalent to Belt.Array.(some (range start finish) p)

val someByU : int -> int -> step:int -> (int -> bool) Js.Fn.arity1 -> bool
val someBy : int -> int -> step:int -> (int -> bool) -> bool

someBy start finish ~step p

See Belt_Array.rangeBy

equivalent to Belt.Array.(some (rangeBy start finish ~step) p)