Module Digest.BLAKE256

BLAKE256 is the BLAKE2b hash function producing 256-bit (32-byte) digests. It is cryptographically secure, and the digests are large enough to thwart brute-force attacks.

type t = string;

The type of digests.

let hash_length: int;

The length of digests, in bytes.

let compare: t => t => int;

Compare two digests, with the same specification as

let equal: t => t => bool;

Test two digests for equality.

let string: string => t;

Return the digest of the given string.

let bytes: bytes => t;

Return the digest of the given byte sequence.

let substring: string => int => int => t;

substring s ofs len returns the digest of the substring of s starting at index ofs and containing len characters.

let subbytes: bytes => int => int => t;

subbytes s ofs len returns the digest of the subsequence of s starting at index ofs and containing len bytes.

let channel: in_channel => int => t;

Read characters from the channel and return their digest. See for the full specification.

let file: string => t;

Return the digest of the file whose name is given.

let output: out_channel => t => unit;

Write a digest on the given output channel.

let input: in_channel => t;

Read a digest from the given input channel.

let to_hex: t => string;

Return the printable hexadecimal representation of the given digest.

let of_hex: string => t;

Convert a hexadecimal representation back into the corresponding digest.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if the length of the argument is not 2 * hash_length, or if the arguments contains non-hexadecimal characters.