Module Js_parser.Flow_sedlexing

exception InvalidCodepoint of int

This is a module provides the minimal Sedlexing suppport It is mostly a subset of Sedlexing with two functions for performance reasons:

  • Utf8.lexeme_to_buffer
  • Utf8.lexeme_to_buffer2
exception MalFormed
type apos = int
type lexbuf
val lexbuf_clone : lexbuf -> lexbuf
val from_int_array : int array -> lexbuf
val new_line : lexbuf -> unit
val next : lexbuf -> Uchar.t option
val mark : lexbuf -> int -> unit
val start : lexbuf -> unit
val backtrack : lexbuf -> int
val rollback : lexbuf -> unit
val lexeme_start : lexbuf -> int
val lexeme_end : lexbuf -> int
val loc : lexbuf -> int * int
val lexeme_length : lexbuf -> int
val sub_lexeme : lexbuf -> int -> int -> int array
val lexeme : lexbuf -> int array
module Utf8 : sig ... end
val string_of_utf8 : int array -> string
val current_code_point : lexbuf -> int

Two APIs used when we want to do customize lexing instead of using the regex based engine

val backoff : lexbuf -> int -> unit
val set_lexeme_start : lexbuf -> int -> unit